
  • 1 Module

    Being Actively Anti-Discriminatory

    This ted Express bite-sized guide will show you how to be actively anti-discriminatory in the workplace.

  • 7 Modules

    Consciously Inclusive

    Unconscious bias is something we all have – and biases can affect you and others at work. Through this online Consciously Inclusive course, you’ll learn how by challenging your biases, you can create a working culture that enables people to feel safe and respected.

  • 4 Modules

    Consciously Inclusive Recruiting

    Master the art of diversity with our 'Consciously Inclusive Recruiting' half-day virtual workshop. Ideal for anyone involved in recruitment, this session enhances your ability to attract diverse talent. Perfect as a standalone workshop or as an extension to interview skills training, and a great supplement to our Inclusion, Equality & Diversity courses. Transform your recruitment strategy into an inclusive powerhouse today.

  • 1 Module

    Consciously Inclusive Recruitment

    We all want to recruit the best team, don’t we? On this ted Express bite-sized course we’ll look at unconscious bias and give you top tips on how to make sure you consciously think about how to be inclusive when hiring.

  • 11 Modules

    Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    On this course you’ll examine the Equality Act and discover, through real life case studies and people’s lived experiences, how discrimination impacts on peoples’ lives when we aren’t considered in what we say and how we behave.

  • 1 Module

    Guide to The Equality Act

    This short course will introduce you to The Equality Act 2010 and the nine protected characteristics.
  • 7 Modules

    Inclusion, Equality & Diversity

    This course will give you an understanding of the Equality Act - how it affects you as an employee, and the business as an employer.

  • 5 Modules

    Sexual Harassment Awareness

    On the ted Express Sexual Harassment Awareness course you'll learn about sexual harassment in the workplace and steps you can take to prevent it.

  • 1 Module

    Unconscious Bias

    Unconscious bias impacts the interactions we have with others and the decisions we make. This ted Express guide will identify how our own bias makes unconscious assumptions, how we can change and be more open as individuals.